Housing inspections tailored for landlords to ensure they remain legally compliant

SSG offers rental property inspections for landlords to ensure legal compliance and to maintain a healthy environment for tenants. Regular inspections are a requirement of most landlord insurance policies and buy to let mortgage agreements.
If you are a landlord managing your own property, an annual inspection from us will allow you to stay compliant and prevent any housing disrepair claims arising.
During the rental property inspection we assess for 29 potential hazards using the HHSRS framework which includes: damp, mould, excess cold, domestic hygiene, pests and refuse.
✅ The rental property inspection can be used by landlords to direct remedial work.
✅ Prevent costly housing disrepair claims for landlords.
✅ An independent report is ideal if there are any disputes between landlord and the tenant.
Rental Property Inspection Report
The rental property inspection report contains the following:
Lists of any category 1 & 2 hazards.
Remedial work if any to mitigate the hazard.
Pictures of all the rooms and common areas to determine overall condition of the property.
Comments on liability, especially if the hazard is a result of tenant behaviour.
Advice / Information
We can provide general information pertaining to your property if you are involved in a dispute with a tenant. This may include information related to the housing disrepair protocol, statutory nuisance proceedings or the local environmental health department's powers. This service costs £30.
If we suspect penetrating damp is the cause of your damp/mould problem and this is due to the roof covering or guttering. We can perform a drone roof inspection which provides high quality imagery. This will highlight areas where remedial work needs to be done.