We survey the condition of properties for tenants, solicitors, local authorities and private landlords.

What is the HHSRS Assessment?
The housing health and safety rating system (HHSRS) is a risk-based evaluation tool used to identify and protect against potential risks and hazards to health and safety from any deficiencies identified in dwellings. It was introduced under the Housing Act 2004 and applies to residential properties in England and Wales. Assessments undertaken by local authority employ HHSRS methodology. Depending on the severity of the hazards found, the local authority may decide to take formal enforcement actions. The risk based assessment assess for 29 potential hazards which include the following:
1. Damp and mould growth
2. Excess cold 23
3. Excess heat
4. Asbestos and MMF
5. Biocides
6. Carbon monoxide and fuel combustion products
7. Lead
8. Radiation
9. Uncombusted fuel gas
10. Volatile organic compounds
11. Crowding and space
12. Entry by intruders
13. Lighting
14. Noise
15. Domestic hygiene, pests and refuse
16. Food safety
17. Personal hygiene, sanitation and drainage
18. Water supply
19. Falls associated with baths etc
20. Falling on level surfaces etc
21. Falling on stairs etc
22. Falling between levels
23. Electrical hazards
24. Fire 50
25. Flames, hot surfaces etc
26. Collision and entrapment
27. Explosions
28. Position and operability of amenities etc
29. Structural collapse and falling elements
Our independent environmental health practitioner will conduct the HHSRS assessment to the same standard as the local council environmental health officer. HHSRS audits help landlords to remain compliant with the Housing Act 2004, identifying hazards means remedial work can be initiated at an early stage. We are finding as local environmental health departments are squeezed for resources and funding, residents are finding it difficult to get properties inspected in a timely manner and turning to us to bridge the gap.
Housing disrepair claims can be expensive for the landlord. Should a local authority serve an improvement notice after an inspection and the remedial work is not completed, the landlord can be fined for breaching HHSRS and a civil penalty issued which can be up to £30,000.
In circumstances where the identified hazard relates to disrepair with the roof, we would be able to incorporate a drone roof inspection to investigate it further. However, an additional fee will apply.
Why is the HHSRS report useful for tenants?
Our HHSRS audits are typically used for the following:
The report could establish whether the property is unfit for human habitation and the landlord's liability.​
The HHSRS report may help in unwinding of tenancy if you have been mislead and there is disrepair in the property.
The report could be used by tenants to give notice to the landlord of the repairs that are required and pinpoint hazards that need to be removed or mitigated.
The report could help decide whether it is worth pursuing a housing disrepair claim or a private prosecution under Section 82 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990.
How much does the HHSRS audit cost?
The price for an independent environmental health house inspection using HHSRS costs from £250 depending on your location and the complexity of the case. The HHSRS report is not intended to support a civil claim in court.
We also offer expert witness reports for a statutory nuisance, our reports are accepted in court for cases brought under a private prosecution under Section 82 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990.